So it should come as no surprise that most millionaires are actually creatures of habit. You might be tempted to think that once they’ve made oodles of cash, millionaires pretty much know everything that they need to know. Successful people recognize that it’s usually when you lose sight of the basics and think you know everything that your performance starts going downhill. Consider, for example, the writer Stephen King.

He hasn’t lost sight of what is at the core of what he does. Most millionaires have had to refine the art of saving so that they could invest in their business or investments. Often, the habit of saving is what allowed them to become millionaires in the first place. They don’t scale up their everyday expenditures, because they realize that even millionaires can be guilty of living «paycheck to paycheck» if they are not responsible with their money.

By continuing to keep expenses relatively low and being good about saving, they are able to intelligently invest in new ventures. While on the one level millionaires are known for forging their own path in life and business, they rarely do it without a little help along the way. They recognize the value of having teachers along the way and make a habit of seeking out guidance. A mentor can be invaluable in helping individuals gain success faster.

A mentor can provide relevant guidance from further down the career road, as well as advice on how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are just a few high achievers who had mentors. Most people run away from criticism. If a successful person hears criticism, they are able to avoid a knee-jerk reaction.

Instead, they take the time to listen to the criticism so that they can actually consider its merit. Millionaires know that there’s no heroism in working 24-7.Honestly, after a while, you’re just spinning your wheels, anyway. While you might get the bragging rights that you haven’t slept for days, your work probably isn’t nearly as effective.

Millionaires know when to say when. They enjoy time their families, travel and indulge in hobbies. They know that when they come back to work, they’ll do it with renewed vigor and energy. This will allow them to maintain a positive outlook, which will help them remain successful over time.