In fact, «it wasn’t the lack of desire that held the masses back from getting wealthy, but the lack of belief in their own ability to make it happen». Here are seven mental tricks that rich people use to get ahead, according to Siebold.

They tell themselves there’s no shortage of money, even when they don’t have enough Rich people aren’t afraid to fund their future from other people’s pockets. If they come up with a great idea they’re unable to finance, they «proceed to use other people’s money to make it happen, » Siebold writes. «Rich people know not being solvent enough to personally afford something is not relevant. The real question is, ‘Is this worth buying, investing in, or pursuing?’ If so, the wealthy know money is always available because rich people are always looking for great investments and superior performers to make those investments profitable».

They think of making money as a game Rich people think of business, life and earning as a game, and «it’s a game they love to win, » writes Siebold. «This is the reason millionaires still go to work every day chasing their next success. Money to these people is no more than a gauge that tells them when they have achieved their latest target».

They personify money and see it as a friend Rich people consider money «one of their greatest allies and friends, » writes Siebold. «It is a friend that has the power to end sleepless nights of worry, physical pain and can even save their life».

They set their expectations unreasonably high while the middle class sets their financial expectations low so they’re never disappointed, the rich set their expectations exceptionally high.

They block out fear «The great ones are operating at a level of consciousness where fear doesn’t exist, » Siebold explains. «At this level of thought, anything seems possible. » « They learn to be comfortable while operating in a state of ongoing uncertainty».

They tell themselves that getting rich is natural

They tell themselves they deserve to be rich meanwhile, the masses think getting rich is reserved for a lucky few.