You need to put in the sweat equity if you’re looking to gain serious results. Obviously, most people can quickly make an extra $100 by selling used items or doing a small gig on a site like Fiverr, but if you’re looking for the kind of cash that can make a significant difference in your life, embrace these 12 millionaire habits. They are sure to drive you in the right direction. You’ll find ways to create real wealth by beckoning financial opportunity and potential windfalls through a positive mindset and a sound emotional, spiritual and mental state.

1. Always add value. –

Value makes the world go round. Everyone wants to get value out of an exchange. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world know that if you’re going to make lots of money, then you need to always be adding value. Always seek to add more value to whatever services, information or products you’re selling. If you are constantly dealing with interruptions throughout your day, find your happy place in the morning.

2. Wake up early. –

If you are constantly dealing with interruptions throughout your day, find your happy place in the morning.

3. Exercise –

Making money isn’t just about implementing good career or business habits. You need to be fit emotionally and physically to fire on all pistons. Exercise in the morning, even if briefly. You have your long-term goals in place but, if you’re looking to make serious money and quickly, you have to set goals every single day. Do this when you wake up, first thing in the morning, so that you stay on track and on target. Decide what will move you closer to those financial goals by the end of the day, then go out there and do it.

4. Daily goal setting. –

You have your long-term goals in place but, if you’re looking to make serious money and quickly, you have to set goals every single day. Do this when you wake up, first thing in the morning, so that you stay on track and on target. Decide what will move you closer to those financial goals by the end of the day, then go out there and do it

5. Effective time management –

Effective time management is a must for those looking to get ahead.

6. Networking –

The sayings go, your network is your net worth, and if you lie down with dogs, you’ll definitely come up with fleas. Reach out to others and find out what you can do to add value to their world. Don’t ask for anything in return, especially not right away. Just insert yourself into the mix, and eventually the opportunities will find you.

7. Innercising –

John Assaraf, who built up a billion-dollar real estate business and is featured in the movie The Secret, preaches the importance of innercising in his NeuroGym system. Innercising is mental exercise to reprogram subliminal conditioning deeply embedded in our subconscious. The goal is to frame the mind with a positive financial outlook which attracts money and opportunities to our lives, rather than pushing them away.

8. Healthy diet –

Unhealthy eating leaves us with less energy for achieving our goals, whatever they are. It won’t happen as fast as you’d like, but the larger component at play is having moment-of-the-opportunity cash to invest when something requires your attention immediately. When you have capital and are no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck, you’re ready to earn more money when the opportunity presents.

9. Saving and investing. –

It won’t happen as fast as you’d like, but the larger component at play is having moment-of-the-opportunity cash to invest when something requires your attention immediately. When you have capital and are no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck, you’re ready to earn more money when the opportunity presents.

10. Mindfulness –

If you play a cutthroat game and walk all over people, few opportunities will come your way. Be mindful about how you act and what you say so it doesn’t come back to bite you in the butt.

11. Work with a mentor. –

Mentors are great for helping you to earn extra income, whether small or large. A mentor who’s achieved outlandish goals in your industry will offer guidance to help you get where you’re looking to go.

12. Contribute to others –

When you are sated and have enough for yourself, look to contribute. You can trick your mind into an abundant mindset by simply contributing your time to others. You don’t have to give money.