“One morning, when I was in my early 20s starting out in my corporate career, I walked out of another meeting with my head slightly bowed. I hadn’t said a thing during the entire hour. All I remember is that an annoying colleague spoke non-stop. He was notorious for taking up way too much air time in every meeting, and my quieter colleagues resented him. Slowly, I realized something as the months passed” Susie Moore said.
Opportunities, responsibility, and significant salary bumps were highly correlated with how confident and visible you are. No one can give you the boost you deserve but you.
Here are some confidence hacks I’ve mastered that helped take me from a $75,000 income to a $500,000 income within five years.
1. Be down to disagree
When I stopped complaining and started contributing, big shifts came my way. But don’t just disagree to be contrarian.
2. Stop tagging every statement with a question
Once you’re aware of tag questions, it will surprise you how overused they are at work.
3. Let your last name live!
The first female CEO I ever worked for taught me something that I’ve never forgotten. It’ll feel weird at first, but it’s assertive and empowering. You’ll start noticing people standing straighter for you. Pay attention to who already does this in your world, whenever an introduction is involved.
4. Say no to yes
Or I can get involved in two weeks from now when my schedule opens up.
5. Sit up front and center
Take a front seat in any group gathering and see how it feels. A simple shoulders-back, chin up, and smile will make you appear the most confident person in the room. These small shifts go a long way in projecting self-assuredness.
6. Stop saying sorry so much
Try eliminating the word for just 24 hours.
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